Multitemporal burnt area analysis

//VERSION=3 (auto-converted from 1)

function setup() {
  return {
    input: [{
      bands: [
    output: { bands: 3 },
    mosaicking: "ORBIT"

function stretch(val, min, max) {return (val - min) / (max - min);}

function preProcessScenes (collections) {
  var allowedDates = ["2017-05-15", "2017-06-24"]; //before and after Knysna fires
  collections.scenes.orbits = collections.scenes.orbits.filter(function (orbit) {
      var orbitDateFrom = orbit.dateFrom.split("T")[0];
      return allowedDates.includes(orbitDateFrom);
  return collections

// Normalized Burn Ration calculation
function calcNBR(sample) {
  var denom = sample.B08+sample.B12;
  var nbrval = ((denom!=0) ? (sample.B08-sample.B12) / denom : 0.0);
  return nbrval;

function dateformat(d){  
  var dd = d.getDate();
  var mm = d.getMonth()+1;
  var yyyy = d.getFullYear();
  var isodate = yyyy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd;
  return isodate;

function evaluatePixel(samples,scenes) {  
  var nbrpre = 0;
  var nbrpost = 0;  
  // get pre-fire image
  nbrpre = calcNBR(samples[1]);
  // get post-fire image
  nbrpost = calcNBR(samples[0]);  
  // get difference 
  var dnbr = nbrpre - nbrpost;
  // set output display layers
  var stretchMin = 0.05;
  var stretchMax = 1.00;
  var NaturalColors = [stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B04 + 0.1 * samples[0].B05, stretchMin, stretchMax), stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B03 + 0.15 * samples[0].B08, stretchMin, stretchMax), stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B02, stretchMin, stretchMax)];  
  var burnModerate = [stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B04 + 0.1 * samples[0].B05, stretchMin, stretchMax)+0.5, stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B03 + 0.15 * samples[0].B08, stretchMin, stretchMax)+0.5, stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B02, stretchMin, stretchMax)];  
  var burnSevere = [stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B04 + 0.1 * samples[0].B05, stretchMin, stretchMax)+0.5, stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B03 + 0.15 * samples[0].B08, stretchMin, stretchMax), stretch(2.8 * samples[0].B02, stretchMin, stretchMax)];
  return (dnbr < 0.27 ?
  NaturalColors : (dnbr < 0.66 ?
  burnModerate : burnSevere)

Evaluate and Visualize

General description of the script

The script takes two pre-defined dates as an input (in preProcessScenes) and calculates changes of the normalised burn ratio index. See the discussion here.

Author of the script

Designed by FC Basson and improved by @Pierre_Markuse and visually

Description of representative images

Burned area analysis applied to the South African coast.

BBurned area